احتضنت بلدة اليمونة واحدة من اجمل الحفلات الفنية لصيف 2019 في لبنان على ضفاف بحيرتها الشهيرة وسط اجواء ساحرة وحضور جماهيري كبير تجاوز الستة آلاف، برعاية وزارة السياحة ومحافظ بعلبك الهرمل الاستاذ بشير خضر
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Christmas Festival 2017
YTA celebrated Christmas and lighted the first floating X-Mas tree in the middle of Yammouneh Lake. A enchanting parade spreading...
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Board Members
Sofia Talal Chreif
Graduated from LAU with a Bachelor degree in Business Management and Hospitality and finished her internship in Disney Land Florida. She has extensive experience in event planning and management as well as in social activities and charity. Founder of YTA through which she expects to achieve a lot more to her community and to inspire and empower people around her. Her Hobbies are tourism and soccer.
Doureid Chreif
Vice President
Carrying two Master’s degrees in Computer and Electrical Engineering from University of Windsor (Canada) and Ukraine. Came back to Lebanon since 2017 and contributed since then in helping people to integrate in the Lebanese society through INGO’s and helped seeks of natural beauty to enjoy tourism in the Bekaa and specifically Yammouneh. Hobbies: Hiking, discovering nature and football.
Hassan Hazaa Chreif
Graduated from LAU with honors attaining a BS in International Business in 2007 and MBA in 2009. Worked in different local and regional companies in Lebanon and Iraq.
Hobbies: Soccer, travelling and reading.
Mohamad Abbas Chreif
Works at Casino du Liban since at least 10 years. An active contributor to the local community who found himself in the service of others. Hobbies: Off-roading, travelling and swimming.
Ali Menhem Chreif
20 years old, studying finance and business administration at the Lebanese University. Ali loves voluntary work aimed at serving people and society. Hobbies including swimming and handball.